So we’re done, let’s get home.

Okay, it’s not that easy we’re up north and have to travel to the south now.

There’s going to be a few stops, as Pacific Coast Highway is one of the most impressive Landscapes.

Also there are birds, and you all do know that I do appreciate Bird pictures.

And there are mor birds, wait what? This ain’t birds, these are kite surfers!

There’s also a bridge. Yes there is a bridge, it’s not as red as the one in black and white but it’s a bridge and I figured there’s too little pictures of this angle.

Living there must be so nice, weird, cool, awesome, lonely… Different!

Water has color yes does. Don’t know any words for this, beautiful? astonishing?

That’s why I prefer pictures of cars, sports cars, abandoned sports cars on highway one.

So these little fellas are living here and if you’re going to California in September it’s likely that you’ll see some of them. Usually they do not attack you so you do not have to be prepared to throw stones at them and shout at them. (That’s what you’re supposed to do with bears in National Parks. I like his way better.)

Another City(Santa Barbara), another car. I bet this car has never seen any better days than now. I didn’t dare touching it as it looked like it’s going to fall apart by the slightest breeze.