You Remember my last post? When I was driving to the Desert? On my way back home I was like: I haven’t seen to much yet, almost desert only so I stopped at @Devils Punch Bowl.
What I recognized first was: You have a marvelous view on the moon there 🙂
There was no lunar eclipse and from what I know you do not need to wear any special glasses to take a look at the moon, while the president doesn’t need some at all even if it’s a eclipse of the sun…
I liked that little guide, he was showing me around the trail, very kind, and as you saw before he was protected by some strange force 😉
This is the devil’s punch bowl, not so special at all, that may be the reason that there weren’t too many people when I arrived.
You could see some trees and some rocks there, nice place, and it was really silent until other people showed up.
Fortunately they did not frighten the lizard so I could take some pictures of him, and again I have no idea what kind of lizard it was… Some kind of Lizard, most probably not the kind that was celebrated by the doors?
I think above is the reason why I’ve been there, not too exciting… I liked it there anyway, a beautful place to be 🙂
And as a last Picture I would like to share the sunset at Devil’s Punch Bowl, isn’t it beautiful?